Sunday, February 13, 2011

Set-back Gets Worse

Unfortunately, I wasn't able to contain my appetite through out the night.  My friends were present and stuffing their faces, and they were boozing as well.  I'm so incredibly disappointed and upset with myself right now.

Sci-fi Saturday night-time snacking: On top of the previous posting's consumption
- 2 handfuls of dark chocolate acai blueberry / raisin things
- 1 serving of summer sausage
- 2 small vodka mixed with pomegranate cocktails

Kip had used his double-talk lawyer speak (peer pressure) to convince me that it was okay to drink (he was drinking the same thing) because I had only promised myself I wouldn't have a drink for two weeks.  He kept asking me if I had promised myself or the girl.  Nope, I had promised myself... Great, so I can't even keep promises to myself... Fuck'n hell man.  

Fortunately, Kip and Jeff were able to eat the rest of the pizza for me.  Somehow, Jeff ate quarter of the pizza, whole bag of chips, and still managed to chug down a six-pack.  

Skinny people... Bastards...  Excuse me, I'm going to go eat a bowl of cardboard now.

1 comment:

  1. I think you are on your way to achieving your goals! I can tell you grape fruit is extremely healthy :). To give you a few pointers from all the Mayo clinic and health reading that I have been doing: 1) Green tea is excellent source for increasing your metabolism and anti-oxidant and contains less caffeine than rest of teas, 2) Grapes and anything with fiber will make you fuller faster, 3) Chicken and Fish are excellent sources of protein, chicken being great for brain and Fish such as Salmon and Mussels have lots of Omega oils, and 4) Too much Salt and caffeine are not great for body because raise blood pressure. This is all for now. You really are doing great! Keep up the great work and thanks for sharing your blog.
